Whether buying or selling, let our experience guide you.

What is my business actually worth?
Considering selling your business? Starting with a business valuation is a smart approach for your business appraisal. Union Bay Group can help put a plan & purpose together to get you started in the right direction.

Featured Listings for Sale
Union Bay Groups has done the upfront work to ensure these listings are ready for review by qualified potential buyers.
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Client Testimonial
We will definitely keep you in mind as a resource for our clients looking to sell or acquire businesses. You did a great job of keeping things moving forward and you were a tremendous asset for our client.
Your Seattle Business Brokers
Our purpose is to help you sell your business or buy a business, period. We are professional, disciplined and focused on you and your business objectives. Working with Union Bay Group, you can expect:
- Deep respect for confidentiality
- Diverse and in-depth experience; industry agnostic
- Proven process with buyer qualification standards
- Targeted marketing program
- Integrity and commitment
- Co-brokering
- Brokers Network Group - national reach, power & expertise

Jeannette Engel
Business Broker and Owner of Union Bay Group